Its an oasis in real its an intoxicating bouquet of deep red roses dipped into the breath taking oud that takes you into the other world of happiness its richness topped with richness the union of oud rose here are very sensual sexy the depth of narcotic feels is very mesmerizing which throws out some deep dark creamy sweet scent flourishing on the layers of dark leathery patchouli where rose plays its character extremely well from start to end
Its an oasis in real its an intoxicating bouquet of deep red roses dipped into the breath taking oud that takes you into the other world of happiness its richness topped with richness the union of oud rose here are very sensual sexy the depth of narcotic feels is very mesmerizing which throws out some deep dark creamy sweet scent flourishing on the layers of dark leathery patchouli where rose plays its character extremely well from start to end